Our office no longer carries state issued vaccines. You may be eligible for vaccines supplied by the VA Division of Immunization at no cost or at a reduced cost. Patients 18 years of age and younger who are either enrolled in Medicaid or have no health insurance or are an American Indian or Alaskan Native will receive vaccines at no cost. These vaccines are given at the medical Health Departments. If you live in the state of Virginia, the closest location is the Frederick/Winchester Health Department at 10 Baker Street, Winchester, VA 22601. Before you go you will need to call the Frederick/Winchester Health Department at 540-722-3470 and make an appointment.
Archives: FAQs
Why should I be screened for low dose CT (LDCT)?
LDCT screening can reduce your chances of dying from lung cancer by finding the cancer at an earlier stage when more treatment options are available.
Who should get low dose CT (LDCT) screening for lung cancer?
*You have no signs or symptoms of lung cancer.
*You are between ages 55-77 (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services), OR You are between ages of 55-80 (commercial insurance).
*You have a 30 pack-year smoking history (i.e., 1 pack per day x 30 years= 30 pack years; 1/2 pack per day x 60 years= 30 pack years).
*You are a current smoker or quit within the past 15 years.
*You’re willing to continue screening on a yearly basis until you no longer meet the criteria.
I am being referred out for a medical procedure and have a high deductible. A friend told me I should “shop around” and compare prices at different hospitals and stand-alone medical facilities. What is the best way for me to find out how much my insurance allows for the medical procedure at different locations?
In this day of high deductible plans, it is wise to shop around for quality care as prices may vary greatly from one location of services to another. The best way to find out the reimbursement rates in our area is to contact your insurance company for the most up-to-date prices. You can either log on your insurance carrier’s website and search via the web or call the member service phone number on the back of your insurance card, and a representative should be able to assist you. We have attached an example for Anthem members of procedure costs for colonoscopy, echocardiograms and mammograms. This document is from March 1, 2016, so the prices may have changed, but it gives you an idea of the differences in some of the local facilities. Generally getting a lower cost does mean some travel, so don’t forget to weigh this impact on your decision on where to go. Click here to download our Winchester Procedure Costs.
Dr. Craig is a D.O. and not an M.D. What is a D.O.?
Both have identical training other than a Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) has additional training in bones and muscles. Both have attended four years of college, four years of medical school and have completed a family practice residency. All our providers are board certified.
Do you have payment plans for self-pay patients?
No, our office requires full payment at the time of service.
How much does an appointment cost?
The cost depends on the type of visit. On average, the first visit will cost $220 (doesn’t include any test or procedures). Follow-up appointments cost on average $150 (doesn’t include any test or procedures). Sick appointments cost on average $120 (doesn’t include any test or procedures). Please remember, these figures are an estimate and are subject to change.
If I am admitted to Winchester Medical Center, will your providers see me while in the hospital?
No, our patients are followed by the hospitalist group when they are in the hospital.
If I am homebound, do the doctors make home visits or visit any of the assisted living homes?
Yes. If an established patient becomes bedridden and physically unable to get to the office, a home visit within a 10 mile radius can be arranged by calling the office during business hours. Our doctors also visit residents located at the Fox Trail Senior Living at Stephens City and Spring Arbor Assisted Living in Winchester.
How do I get my mail order medications refilled?
Due to the extreme number of 90-day mail order requests, our office will no longer fax or mail prescriptions to mail order pharmacies. We will provide a 90-day prescription, and it will be the patient’s responsibility to get the prescription to the mail order company. Please request all 90-day prescriptions at the time of your visit.